Join our fight and help us bring economic security to the 99%

Despite seeking independence, 83% of US employees currently carry debt.* Foundation 99 is on a mission to help individuals break free from the cycle of poverty and achieve financial freedom.

Your donation goes directly to funding financial coaches who work on the front lines with individuals who need them the most.

Financial literacy and education are key in helping families shift from surviving to thriving. Join our fight.


*Voice of the American Worker Survey – 2021 Key Findings

See below for more ways to give

Why donate?

We partner with school districts, municipalities, nonprofits and other entities to bring financial guidance to their employees to see a clearer picture of financial opportunities offered by their employers, breaking the cycle of financial stress and desperation.

Your money goes directly toward helping the most vulnerable.

All donations are tax-deductible.

Financial Coaches

Your donation goes to sponsoring Financial Coaches who help demonstrate the basics of money management. Examples of this include (but are not limited to) budgeting, debt management, debt collection, and retirement goals.

Financial Tools & Resources

Your donation goes towards sponsoring the cost of budgeting tools and online resources to help individuals guide their financial choices in between financial coaching sessions. These tools are essential for measuring progress.

Other Ways to Give


Foundation 99 is eligible to receive grants from Donor Advised Funds (DAF)s.




Please make a check payable to Foundation 99 and send to 1401 Lavaca Street, PMB 40441, Austin, Texas 78701.
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